Key changes in food regulations coming March 2025: Contact us to see how Oklin food waste solutions can help your business prepare.
Key changes in food regulations coming March 2025: Contact us to see how Oklin food waste solutions can help your business prepare.
Utilising microbial technology, the composting machines reduce waste volume by up to 90%, decrease disposal costs and aid the reduction of a carbon footprint; all while producing a valuable end product in the form of nutrient-rich compost.
The GG02 has the capacity to process 2 tonnes of food waste per year (max. 4.5kg per day). It is best suited to a coffee shop, small school or office space.
Our range of commercial and industrial machines process from 25kg to 1500kg of food waste per day, turning it into a valuable resource in the form of nutrient rich compost. All of the machines achieve 80-90% reduction in the food waste volume and no greywater is produced.
The facilities are custom designed and built to incorporate waste separation, wastewater and odour treatment, alongside aerobic composting. For facilities treating over 50 tonnes of food waste per day, co-processing with anaerobic treatment is introduced and the gasses are collected for energy production.
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